After 42 Québec
A World of Possibilities! The opportunities in the field of IT are numerous and diversified.
Recognized by the industry
42 Québec is offered as an alternative training. At the end of the program, the student will receive a completion certificate. Other than that, there is no title, diploma or degree recognized by the Ministry of Education to be awarded.
Nevertheless, our financial partners play an active role in the training, both financially and professionally, to forge links with the next generation of professionals being trained at 42 Québec.
Find out more about their motivations
The various trades
There are many opportunities in the IT industry, many of which don’t even exist yet!
The field is in constant evolution and the needs are diversified, which makes it a suitable career choice for many profiles. Here are a few examples of careers that can be accessed after training at 42 Québec.
- mobile application developer
- project manager
- startup creator
- system and network administrator
- IT security expert
- video game designer
- multimedia designer
- Internet of Things specialist
- web administrator
- full-stack developer
A study by TECHNOCompétences indicates that 8,290 IT positions will remain vacant in Quebec in 2020. A career in this field has many advantages, such as:
- Work-life balance
- Continuous development opportunities
- Competency-based talent acquisition
- Diversified career opportunities